Simply Savings
Perfect for convenience and flexibility when saving money!
- Only a $50 minimum opening deposit
- $3 monthly service charge is waived if you maintain a daily balance of $100 or more, or are a minor under the age 18, or are age 50 or older.
- Competitive Interest rates
- Make deposits and withdrawals anytime at the bank or ATM
- Open Now

Money Market Savings Account
An account for those interested in earning higher interest!
- Only a $50 minimum opening deposit
- The $7 monthly service charge is waived if you maintain a balance of $500 or more every day.
- Higher interest rate tiers on balances above $2,500.
Competitive interest rate if balances falls below $2,500.
- Make deposits and withdrawals anytime at the bank or ATM
- Open Now

Christmas Club Savings
A great way to save for the holiday season!
- No minimum balance
- No maintenance fee
- Competitive Interest rates
- Balance will be paid to you in the fall of each calendar year. Make deposits in any amount at any time.
- Open Now